Archway School aims to provide a community which provides equal opportunities for all adults and students to work and learn in an emotionally and physically safe environment. In achieving this aim, the highest priority is placed on eliminating discrimination, harassment and victimisation. As an employer, the school will ensure that there is no discrimination or harassment during the recruitment process or during employment on the grounds of any of the protected characteristics described in our equalities policy. The school will comply with all current employment legislation concerning Equal Opportunities and review each year. The school’s commitment to protecting people from discrimination and harassment extends to all members of the community including parents, carers and Governors.
- Admissions Policy
- Anti Bullying Policy
- Appointments Policy
- Assessment and Homework policy
- Attendance Policy
- Behaviour Policy
- Bursary Policy
- CCTV Policy
- Charging and Remissions Policy
- Complaint Form
- Complaints Policy
- Confidentiality Disclosure Policy
- Consent Form
- Counter Fraud and Corruption Policy LA Policy
- Data Protection Policy
- Equalities Policy
- EV charging policy
- Finance Policy
- Freedom of Information Policy
- Health and Safety Policy
- Internet Computer Usage Policy Students
- Lettings Policy
- Music Development Plan
- Physical Intervention Policy
- Policy Statement on the Recruitment of Ex Offenders
- Positive Mental Health Policy
- Preventing Extremism Radicalisation Policy
- Privacy Notice Students
- Relationships and Sex Education Policy
- Safeguarding Children
- SEND Policy
- Substance Misuse and Medicines Policy
- Supporting Students at School with Medical Conditions
- Teaching and Learning Policy
- Uniform Policy
Examination Policies
- 23 24 Exams Policy
- Appendix 01 Escalation Process
- Appendix 02 Exam Contingency
- Appendix 03 Internal Appeals Procedures
- Appendix 04 Exam Equalities Policy
- Appendix 05 Complaints and Appeals Procedure
- Appendix 06 Access Arrangements
- Appendix 07 Word Processor Policy
- Appendix 08 Non Examined Policy
- Appendix 09 Verifying Candidates
- Appendix 10 Candidates Late for Exam
- Appendix 11 Emergency Evacuation Policy
- Appendix 12 Special Consideration
- Appendix 13 Exams Archiving Policy
- Appendix 14 Lockdown Policy
- Appendix 15 Exams Child Protection Safeguarding Policy
- Appendix 16 Exams Data Protection Policy
- Appendix 17 Exams Whistleblowing Policy
- Appendix 18 Malpractise Policy
- Appendix 19 Conflict of Interest
- BTEC Appeals Protocol
- BTEC Assessment and Internal Verification Protocol
- BTEC Assessment Malpractice Protocol for Students
- BTEC Recruitment Registration and Certification Protocol
- BTEC Work Experience and Employer Involvement Protocol